Make Nine Challenge 2021

Friday, January 22, 2021

I recently learned of Make Nine challenge, and shared it with my friend at Life at Anchor (her instagram is Madebyvan). I really want to improve my garment sewing, so I pulled the above nine items that I want to make this year.  They involve different types of fabrics, button holes, different types of neck designs, etc-- I hope I picked a variety.  

Only pattern that I was not able to find-- and would love your help-- is the last one.  The cardigan!  That cardigan is from ModCloth, but I love the style and would love to make it myself, but I have not been able to find a pattern similar to it.  I've seen the new Marlo pattern but it's a little bit of a loose fit.  If any one has ideas, I would love a suggestion! 

Here are my make nine (from left to right):


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